How To Wash Hair Extensions? Tips to Clean Your Hair Extensions Properly

How to Wash Hair Extensions? This Is Guide 101 to Wash Your Favorite Hair Extensions Properly. To Ensure Hair Extension' Shelf Life Can Be Long-lasting. Click Here to Get Some Hacks to Get Hair Extensions Clean & Tidy.

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Hair extensions are very good for brilliant hairstyles, they can save your hair from damage and keep your hair healthy. This article will guide you through how you can wash your hair extensions, if you are new to extensions, do not worry!

You should treat your extensions just as you will treat your hair, it is very important to wash your hair extensions in order to prolong their use and preserve them. Let us dive in!

Hair Extension Wash Tools

To get started with washing, you need some basic tools like;

  • Hair Brush
  • Comb (wide-toothed)
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Water

How to Wash Clip in Hair Extension

  • Brush out the tangles

Use a wide-toothed comb to take tangles out. Start from the bottom to deal with stubborn tangles before working your way up. Continue the process until you eliminate all the tangles. This is because you can have a hard time washing if the tangles are not brushed away

  • Pour lukewarm water into a container

The container can be a clean basin or sink, ensure the water is enough that can take your whole extension in, and make sure the water is not too hot or cold.

  • Apply some amount of Shampoo into the water

It is advisable to use Shampoo with no harsh chemicals, apply a little into the water and stir until it foams

  • Massage your extension in the water

Hold the base of the extension, this is below the clips, and dip into the water, use your hands to remove any dirt that you see in the extensions, and continue until you are sure it is clean. If you will be working with many extensions, you can divide the wefts so you can wash in bits and clean them thoroughly

  • Rinse and apply conditioner

Rinse the soapy extension with lukewarm water, you might not get all the shampoo away at once, but keep rinsing thoroughly until the water that drops from the extension becomes clear.

Apply conditioner and let it sit, this is to soften it further and give it a brilliant shine, let the conditioner sit in for an hour, if you want an extraordinary result, you can treat the extension with an overnight conditioner. It preserves the softness and silkiness of the hair.

  • Rinse the conditioner

After the conditioner is given enough time, rinse off with lukewarm water, and ensure the extensions are not slippery. Rinse the conditioner completely, rinse again with cold water to seal the moisture and make the extension shine

How to Wash Tape in Hair Extension

When you wash your tape in hair extensions properly, it stays longer in your hair, here are simple steps that you can follow.

  • Brush your hair

This is the first step to ensure there are no tangles in the hair for smooth washing, be careful to use a hairbrush that will not pull off the hair extension bond. Brush your hair extensions when you have them on up to 3-4 times a day to keep tangles away

  • Apply Shampoo

This should be done gently, start at the root of the hair and extend it to the upper part, do not wash and rub your hair in a circular motion as this can cause tangles in the hair

Use a suitable shampoo that is safe to use on your hair extension.

  • Use Conditioner

Be careful to apply the conditioner only from the middle and not from the scalp. If the conditioner is applied close to the scalp where the extension bond is, it can cause the bond to weaken and eventually split off. Apply the conditioner only at the mid ends of the hair and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. During the wash, you can apply a leave-in conditioner to the ends only

Rinse off completely

  • Let it Dry off

You have to be very careful with the drying off of your tape-in hair extension, Do not wait longer than 20 minutes before you start to dry out your hair, the wet hair can weaken the hair bonds.

You can use a heat protectant, blow dry your hair in sections to minimize damage from a hairdryer

You have to commit to taking special care of your tape-in hair extension to protect its longevity

How to Wash Tip Hair Extension

  • Choose the Right Shampoo

Tip extensions are usually glued with bonds. To avoid damage to the bonds, avoid shampoos with sulfate or silicones so your extensions will not fall off. You can always make inquiries at the store or buy a specific shampoo for your kind of extension if it is available.

In this way, you can feel safe and protect your extensions

  • Wet your hair

You can pour water in your hair or use the shower and run your fingers through your hair to detangle the extension, ensure your hair is soaked enough and free of tangles

  • Apply Shampoo

After detangling, your hair is ready for washing. Apply the shampoo as you will do your hair, it is best to avoid intense scrubbing at the scalp area as this can weaken the bond. Rinse out completely with warm water

  • Condition

Just as we do for other kinds of hair extensions, you have to condition the tip hair extension, this is because the scalp oils are not enough to condition the extension. Rinse out the conditioner with warm water completely, do not use hot water, it can damage the extension

  • Wash frequently to keep dirt away, do not wash your hair extensions every day, it will reduce the lifespan and cause it to wear out quickly

General Tips for Washing Hair Extensions

  • Do not wash daily
  • Do not rub the hair in a circular motion while washing, it can cause tangles
  • Do not apply conditioner at the root area

I hope this article has guided you on how to wash your hair extensions

Go ahead and wash with confidence!

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